Contact us


What time is check-in?

Check-in is from 14:00. If you arrive earlier, we will happily store your bags.

What time is check-out?

Check-out is at 12:00. If you need more time speak to the team and they will see what they can do.

Can i leave my bags?

We will happily store your bags on the days you arrive and depart.

Can i bring the kids?

Children of all ages are welcome. Baby cots and extra beds are not available at this hotel.

Can i bring my pets?

Pets of any kind are not allowed in the hotel premises.

Do you have parking?

No more worries about parking. The hotel has a spacious parking lot ready to serve you.
Official website

Direct booking

start from ฿0
Check availability
Official website

Direct booking​

start from ฿800
Check availability